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Olympic Flame Bahamas
Stephen Eric LawrenceSponsor
Stephen Eric Lawrence Icon
Stephen Eric Lawrence serves as Chairman of the Lawrence Family Foundation, which does charitable work in and makes generous donations to the Nassau community in the Bahamas. In that role, he is responsible for providing aid to people who are homeless, elderly, and disadvantaged. Much of the work the Lawrence Family Foundation does to help these people involves assisting soup kitchens and shelters, which are often run by local churches. Stephen Eric Lawrence is also an active volunteer in the community, taking time not only to run and fund the foundation, but to work several hours a week in local soup kitchens.The foundation also participated in organizing and funding the SWIM Bahamas Program, a charity aimed at providing swimming lessons to disadvantaged residents. Under the guidance of Stephen Eric Lawrence, his foundation went on to build a more concrete, lasting relationship with SWIM Bahamas in the form of an additional foundation that can better serve those specific water-safety needs.He has also seen to it that the foundation has coordinated and financed much-needed structural repairs in the area. This often means financing home improvements for residents, such as reroofing a number of homes in Nassau for families who needed to make such repairs but could not afford it themselves. Apart from providing residents of the local community with basic maintenance, the foundation has helped to relieve natural disasters that have wreaked havoc on the islands.
View ProfileNassau, Bahamas