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Olympic Flame Denmark
EBuffet Icon
Food out of the house - Copenhagen and ZealandDo you live in Copenhagen or in Zealand, and you need food out of the house? At Ebuffet we specialize in catering, for small as well as hungry companies. So, if you have a family birthday, business dinner or something else, we will be happy for delivery. We have both warm and cold dishes that you can choose from and you get food out of our house, we guarantee that the food is always ready for serving immediately.We have a wide selection of delicious dinner dishesOur range is wide when it comes to dinner dishes, and you can choose from time to time as you wish. For the larger dinners, we have, for example, our Select-Self Total Event , featuring the starter, a buffet of three main courses and four accessories. You can get freshly baked salmon mousse (starter), rosegegt kalvecuvette (main course) and end with a classic rhubarb pie (dessert) - the options are many and the ingredients are carefully selected!Food delivery with delivery guaranteeWe offer food from the house to you and your company in Copenhagen, Zealand and Funen, and if we arrive more than 30 minutes late, the next buffet is at our expense. If you do not know about the event, you can add Cancellation Protection, where you also choose your dishes. In this way, you and we avoid having a whole lot of delicious food left without anyone to enjoy it.EBuffetStensmosevej 22E 2620 Albertslund Denamrk
View ProfileAlbertslund, Albertslund Denmark
China Tea HouseSponsor
China Tea House Icon
Do you like tasty tasty tea with natural flavor, then visit China Tea House. Would you like tea with all sorts of strange aromas, all of which are artificial and have never seen a fruit or a flower, so go elsewhere. Here with us, we only use real taste from real fruits and flowersOn January 1, 2018, the government removes the tea tax and we can thus lower our prices by 2 kroner per 100 g.Christmas shopping has started and we are very busy. We work every man as fast as we can, but still you have to expect 1-2 days of delay. We hope for your understanding.GLS collects packages from us at about. 11.00. If you order goods for delivery with GLS, these will only be shipped the following day.China Tea HouseStavsdalvej 25, ØsterlarsGudhjem, Bornholm, [email protected]+45 22 25 11 17
22251117 | View ProfileBornholm, Bornholm Denmark
kogebogendk Icon
Sushi comes in a variety of shapes and sizes and requires just as many varieties of preparation and presentation . And as with anything else, it's important to do your research and become knowledgeable on the subject before you begin selling it to your customers. Although an amateur sushi eater may not seem to care the more experienced connoisseurs of sushi could be deterred by your establishment's lack of proper etiquette or incorrect terminology. To impress the clientele you want to attract your going to need more than just chopsticks.
41 71 68 31 | View ProfileCopenhagen, Denmark A/SSponsor A/S Icon
Havehandel is a landscape supply company that has been providing homeowners and companies in the mulch and gardening industry with high quality products and service for more than 15 years. Centrally located in Columbus, Ohio with 6 Retail stores and a Distribution center, we are a major manufacturer and distributor of quality mulch and garden supplies. Ohio Mulch offers a variety of hardwood, cypress, pine bark and cedar mulches in several bag sizes as well as bulk. We also produce a full line of soil productsNon - Vegetated Bark Mulch Erosion Control BlanketA non-vegetated bark mulch erosion control blanket is a blanket of blended materials to prevent erosion on a slope. They are usually installed at a depth of 3” or more depending on the slope and area to be covered. This blanket may allow growth of legumes, (i.e. clovers) but is not recommended for other vegetation.Vegetated Bark Mulch Erosion Control BlanketA vegetated bark mulch erosion control blanket is a blanket of a special blend of materials as well as bark mulch to prevent erosion on a slope. These blankets are also enhanced to provide a growing medium for plants such as grass, crown vetch, lupine wildflowers ,and other low maintenance plants.Filter BermsA filter berm is a berm of forest byproducts that assist in erosion control along with sediment control. It traps sediments, allowing water to filter through. The material used in a filter berm is 100% natural, while trapping harmful sedime
04520602506 | View ProfileHolstebro, Holstebro Denmark
XinDeSheng Shoes is one of the leading footwear companies in China with ISO 9001 certified manufacturer all kinds of shoes. We have our exporting department making international shoes orders.
View ProfileSDA, Denmark
FMCG Mistral Trading DKSponsor
FMCG Mistral Trading DK Icon
FMCG Mistral Trading exports (FMCG Distributors) an exceptional range of food and beverage producers to businesses around the world.
92457482 | View ProfileKokkedal, Denmark
Bonzo laver lækre, nemme færdigretter. Du slipper for tidskrævende madindkøb, da Bonzos retter kun vand og olie.Retterne består af sunde ingredienser, der sparer dig tid på madlavning i hverdagen. De fleste måltider kan være klar til servering til dig selv eller familien på blot 20 minutter.Med udgangspunkt i klassiske franske og italienske retter kan du udforske en bred vifte af spændende klassiske retter.Maden er tilberedt efter klassiske konserveringsmetoder, hvorfor maden er naturlig langtidsholdbar, uden at den indeholder nogle former for tilsætningsstoffer.Bonzo omfavner alle madpræferencer. Der er et stort udvalg af forskellige kødretter, såvel som veganske retter.--Bonzo is the maker of easy and delicious dishes, based on French and Italian classics, as well as lesser known specialities. The food is simply to make. Simply heat up, or boil in water, and within 20 minutes you have a meal that will have you local Southern European neighbors inviting themselves over.The food is naturally long shelf life food, because of its natural preservation method - freeze dried or wather bathed (also known as pressure canning). The food is tasty, and consists of healthy and nutritious ingredients. Choose between pork, beef, duck, chicken, veal, or our wide range of vegan options.
+45 20 20 27 22 | View ProfileFiskerbakken 5 3250 Gilleleje, Denmark
Fmcg Mistral TradingSponsor
Fmcg Mistral Trading Icon
FMCG MISTRAL TRADING is a leading Food And Beverage Distributors, providing an exceptional range of products to businesses worldwide. Our company is the Import-Export Division of the FMCG of AYC Company. We have offices and facilities in Spain. We also have an account in MAYOR BONDED Warehouse throughout Europe. You can buy all the products here like fruittis, vegetables, Biscuits, milk, chocolate and other items. For more information please visit our website.
92457482 | View ProfileFasanvænget, Kokkedal Denmark
Danmad Icon
Oplev en verden af kulinariske vidundere hos Danmad, din fornemmeste destination for alt inden for asiatisk madlavning. Som et online asiatisk supermarked er vi stolte af at tilbyde et omfattende og varieret udvalg af specialvarer, som er sjældent set i de lokale dagligvarebutikker. Forhøj din kulinariske oplevelse med autentiske smagsoplevelser og unikke delikatesser fra Asiens fjerne hjørner - alt sammen bekvemt tilgængeligt lige ved dine fingerspidser.
+45 42 61 90 95 | View ProfileVejlegårdsvej 59, Vallensbæk Strand Denmark
Kastberg Is ApSSponsor
Kastberg Is ApS Icon
Kastbergs Gourmet-Is is a gourmet ice cream manufacturer with in the food service industry.
29278579 | View ProfileHerning, Denmark
I Got SpiritSponsor
I Got Spirit Icon
Mød I Got Spirit, hvor kreativitet møder cocktails! Etableret i 2017 er vores brand blevet en fast del af branchen takket være vores passion for mixologi og fokus på kvalitet. Med et team på 13 talentfulde individer har vi opbygget langvarige relationer med topsteder og fået ros fra tilfredse kunder over hele verden. Kom med på en rejse gennem smag og innovation
+4550229473 | View ProfileKøbenhavn, Hovedstaden Denmark