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Olympic Flame Denmark
Pashmin WearSponsor
Pashmin Wear Icon
PashminaWear is founded to sell handmade cashmere and wool products in high quality online - primarily scarves and shawls for women. We deal directly with the manufacturers we are in close contact with. We sell exclusively products in natural materials, preferably cashmere , wool and silk . Our suppliers are as passionate for wool and cashmere as we are. This ensures that the entire process, from selection of raw material to spinning, weaving and dyeing, focuses on delivering an end product of absolute special quality. This ensures that we can stand 100% for what we sell.Since the quality of real cashmere can not be experienced online but must feel with our hands, we offer free shipping on all items regardless of the purchase price. Should the product not meet the expectations, it can be returned free of charge. This is our satisfaction guarantee.Our cashmere shawls from Nepal are hand-woven and we carry several different types - each with each of its features. Some are thick and humped, while others are fine and almost transparent. Read more about the different types in our pashmina guide . If you need further guidance, please feel free to contact us by mail or phone.We also have a wide range of scarves for women . The scarves are primarily manufactured in Scotland by lamb wool.All our products are manufactured without the need for child support, and our cashmere from Consinee Group is OEKO-TEX certified .
+4524481376 | View ProfileAarhus C, Aarhus C Denmark
Sohu ApSSponsor
Sohu ApS Icon
Divider DECORATION WITH PERSONALITY A house is far beyond 4 dividers. A house is something that is made when the 4 dividers shape the edge of a specific mind-set and the rooms have identity. Snazzy divider beautifications you have picked might be only a little piece of your stylistic theme - yet they help to give you the sentiment ''home'' when you put the key in the entryway following a long working day and advance over the doorstep. An individual style and remarkable divider adornment likewise gives your guests the feeling that the house is invigorated. They additionally get an impression of you as a person, in the way you have set yourself up. Notice, wallet, divider stickers and canvas prints fill a greater number of needs than simply giving the impression of a home, occupied such. They reveal to you something about you, yours and the other inhabitants' history. As it were, you include your home identity and make your inside totally one of a kind, when you improve your dividers as per your own particular style. We have divider embellishments for every one of the rooms of the home. From the lobby and kitchen to the restroom and the room - and you can browse in addition to other things. notice, divider stickers, photograph paper and photographs on canvas. Regardless of whether you like delicate hues and quiet nature theme or love shading and realistic components. Divider improvement for kids At SOHU we adore kids. As far back as we began in 2013, youngsters have
+45 72 22 70 71 | View ProfileBroager, Broager Denmark
My New ArtSponsor
My New Art Icon
All paintings at are genuine original paintings. There are no prints, presses or similar.All paintings are painted by talented artists, who have many years of experience, and beside the collaboration with, have their own respective galleries. Our paintings are painted in oil paint - the classic form of paint - which gives a very nice depth in painting. We use exclusively materials of the highest quality in the production of our paintings. Both the oil painting that the artists paint with, and the wooden frames that the leather upholstery is stretched on.Gallery is able to sell the paintings so cheaply, as we collaborate directly with our own artists, while at the same time exploiting periods where artists do not have their own projects. During these periods they are working intensively on the works we have ordered with them. Some of our paintings are so popular that we paint more than one of them - whereas others are unique. The pictures on our home page reflect one of the paintings that the artist has painted, so there can of course be small variations in what you receive, as it is handmade. Of course, the term will be the same, and if you walk one meter back from the painting, you will of course not be able to see the difference. Additionally, we can also tell you that a painting works best in reality - and not as a picture on a website. If you have found a painting on our site that you think is nice, you will most likely
+4531145817 | View ProfileHørup, Sydals Denmark
Lucky69 Icon
we are a 80's glam/hair metal band
View Profileishøj, copenhagen Denmark
My New Art SwedenSponsor
My New Art Sweden Icon
Mynewart is an online gallery founded in Sønderborg, Denmark in early 2016. Our ambition has initially been to give our customers an opportunity to buy beautiful and modern art at great prices. At we think that everyone can afford beautiful art.At we have a large selection of modern and creative art that fits really well in the modern Scandinavian home. We work directly with a long list of artists who constantly work with new exciting artwork. You will therefore always see new paintings in our range.At we sell exclusively high quality paintings. Despite the cheap prices, we have not compromised the quality. Our tablecloths, frames and the craftsmanship are of incredibly high quality.In addition to being a webshop, Mynewart is also represented in the form of a gallery / showroom in Sønderborg, where the company is founded. If you ever travel to Sønderborg, you are more than welcome to look in and see our large selection of paintings. The address is:Gallery MynewartKærvej 906400 SønderborgDenmarkIf you have questions about our paintings or about our company, you are more than welcome to contact us at [email protected] .
+4531145817 | View ProfileSydals, Sydals Denmark
Vielsker KunstSponsor
Vielsker Kunst Icon
Fauvist artists lists and collectionsGalleries dealing in replica oil on canvas paintings for sale report an intriguing upturn in interest and need for Fauvist paintings for sale from Andre Derain, Henri Matisse, Maurice de Vlaminck and other people.What’s caught my consideration with this particular upsurge in curiosity is this: a few years back replica oil on canvas painting galleries were reporting revenue of the higher proportion of hand painted reproduction Impressionist paintings than of any oil painting genre; not so now.This new pattern in public taste from Impressionism echoes the modifying tastes in the Fauvist artists on their own, who in their move away from Impressionism at the get started with the 20th century, literally exploded the new Fauvist painting style onto the public stage.I’ll start by having the lexicon straight. The painters were often known as ‘The Fauves’, (essentially they had been mostly French so that they had been, strictly talking, ‘Les Fauves), the genre is identified as ‘Fauvism’ along with the type or adjective is ‘Fauvist’. My apologies for any pedantry, however the terms are sometimes interchangeable amongst some commentators! “Les Fauves’ is French for “Wild Beasts’ and that’s how the Fauves should have appeared to genteel Parisian society, when Fauvist paintings by Henri Rousseau and Henri Matisse first appeared at exhibition, in Paris, at the 1905 Salon d’Automne (The Autumn Painting Exhibition).Klikko aps gamm
45 44404063 | View Profilevalby, valby Denmark
Medicine Wheel of PoetrySponsor
Medicine Wheel of Poetry Icon
Medicine Wheel of Poetry er et univers af poesi, der som ringe i vandet udvider sig i sind, krop og sjæl. Det er åndelig føde, åndelig medicin til at heale der,hvor cirklen er brudt og energien ikke kan flyde frit.
+(45) 28 30 08 29 | View ProfileRønne, Rønne Denmark
maler-maling Icon er din online udbyder af maling i beskeden kvalitet, skillelinjer, gulvmaling, træforsikring, udvendig maling og dæk. Vi sælger maling af alle grunde, og vi kan sikre arten af ??vores maling.Vi har malet forretning siden 2003 og solgt bare den maling, vi bruger selv, og som vi ved, giver det bedste resultat og den længste soliditet. Vores maling og skillelinjer gør det nemt for dig at male, og du kan bruge den sikkert, da vi derudover har valgt den maling, der er mindst ødelæggende for både dig selv og jorden at bruge.Hos vil du ligeledes opdage alt hvad du har brug for både under arrangementet og huske det maleri. Hvad mere er, vi transporterer alle dine kompositionsgenstande for intet ud af lommen, når du køber for over 1.000,00 DKK. Vi er konstant parat til at hjælpe dig med formaning og retning, og du kan købe din maling sikkert fra, da vi har E-mærket. Din forsikring om en beskyttet og ligetil udveksling.
25553717 | View ProfileCopenhagen, Denmark
Trykteam Icon
Hos Trykteam har vi professionelle og erfarne medarbejdere, som kan hjælpe dig med den rigtige løsning.
View ProfileSvendborg, Denmark
Ana SuarezSponsor
Ana Suarez Icon
Botox behandlinger BOTOX eller botulinum toxin type A mindsker synligheden af rynker, hvor det indsprøjtes.
View ProfileHolsted, Denmark